From Estate Planning to making a Will, or from extracting Probate to bringing the Administration of an Estate to a conclusion, we are in an ideal position to advise in all areas of Probate Law.
We can act as executors for a client or we can act as the Solicitor for the estate itself. As dealing with the affairs of the deceased can often be a difficult time for families, it is important to have the right support and legal advice. Often clients require assistance in gathering in the assets of the estate or in simply understanding the process and implications of extracting Probate. We are here to guide clients through the various areas, such as:
- Wills
- Estate Planning and Tax implications
- Trusts
- Powers of Attorney
- Enduring Powers of Attorney
- Extracting Grants of Probate and Administration
- Administration of Estates
- Executors' Duties
- Social Welfare and Tax implications of Grants of Administration
- Administering Estates with Lost or Destroyed Wills
- Estate Disputes

If you have a question why not call us on (046) 909 3587 / 909 3577 OR use your quick enquiry form here to enquiries page